
preliminary task evaluation

For the preliminary task, we first have to learn what continuity task is referred to. continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. this task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree. corrected for instant clothing, and the location must not change throughout the scene to therefore create an effective continuous scene. match on action: angle but cut during an action to another camera is when showing the action from the same point in time that you left it previous shot. This is important to continue the flow of the scene. Shot/reverse shot • Shot reverse shot is as a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite direction, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each. The 180 degree rule is a very important concept in video and film production. • It refers to an imaginary line which cuts through the middle of the scene, from side to side with respect to the camera. • Crossing the line changes the viewer's perspective in such a way that it may cause disorientation and confusion. For this reason, crossing the line is usually something to be avoided.


before we started filming we looked at look at different clips of the oct videos which gives us explanation of guide to 180 degree rule, guide to basic camera rule, guide to basic camera movement, and guides to basic camera shots and one of the videos looked like this:

Then we researched and find camera angle and camera shot for our selves to show that we understand what the rule of film ins are and i showed example of that when i posted images for different shots to proof as my

mid shot

close up shot

 two shot

 extreme close up
 establishing shot

Then we write a plan of what we are going to do for the task and a brief note of what type of show the filming needs: (The location of the setting for each shot is exterior (outside of the school) types of shots that are going to be used are the two shot, tracking shot, shot reverse shot, point of view, close up shot, establishing shot long shot, mid shot, match of action etc.
 theres camera movement in tracking shot because there going to be following the character towards the door. it starts with an establishing shot which is going to have the panning camera angle of the school and the whole thing might be 1-2 minutes long with different camera shots and camera movement happening and at the end will have two shot, etc and were going to have the knock knock joke with over the shoulder shots.

we made a story board what shows what we are going to do for our filming as in where the location is, what shots and who is going to be the character for the film and then we made example of how its going to be like in given paper and we use that to help us notify what we need for each shots and what it have to look like when we will be filming e.g.


we started the film by following our storyboard steps on the location that the filming is going to take place which make the work easier to carry out and through out the filming we had to film two or three time on the scenes to pick the best clips out of all of it and we had some difficulty finding the perfect location like the room that will be used for the knock, knock joke. but luckily we ended up with a suitable place for filming the scene needed. but with the storyboard we had very good ideas and how opinion but the thing that made it a littler difficult is the lack of right equipment and it became more difficult while we were filming, it was extremely winding which therefore the wind sound is affecting the filming but the other filming were successful. also during the filming we ended up doing different shot over again to give us the ability to pick the best one.


when the editing was about to be done, i choose the best clips to go with the editing to get the best out of what we have been filming and i imported the to imovie which allows me to cut bits of the clips and joint it together to make a film,

after the import i then cut out bit that aren't wanted and i also removed the background sound that aren't needed for example, the sound of the wind that was not a good impact in the film

after the removal of the background sound, i then used a site tat allows your to get different sounds that i then used and had to my editing to make it more interesting.


overall i think our final piece went well simply because we had no major difficult doing the short film, and it turned out to be straight forward, and we pulled it off by working together to make it the filming work.
i look at the final piece and find out that there is a lot of improvement that could have been done like the angles that the film as been recorded could have been better and there are some angles that made my shadow appear which then had the shadow of the iPad that i was filming with.


  1. Can you complete the first part of our learning conversation relating to this evaluation as explained in the relevant post on my blog please Stephen.

  2. I didn't find it hard to evaluate my preliminary task because i spot the things that go wrong and the things that go right easily and i learned from them and i also didn't have any major stubble writing about and i had images that made the evaluation easy to explain.

    I think my post production is my strongest because i explained how i made the film together to and how i had the sound and also how i learn to use i movie to help me cut out bad parts of the film and it also from the post production i noticed what i have done wrong and how i can improve it in the future.

    My weakest part of my evaluation is my evaluation for the filming and the reason is that i didn't talk enough about my final piece and how the filming and editing but instead i only talked about what went wrong in the filming and how to improve it in the future.

    I think i used good amount of imagers but didn't used quiet enough to back up my evaluation for example i didn't had enough images when i was talking about my post production to back up my explanation a bit more and to give more evidence of what i have done.

    I think my evaluation spelling and grammar is ok and the punctuation could have been better but i think the evaluation went well.

    I think my evaluation needs a lot of improvement because it is basic in some places and those are the places that i show think about improving, i also need to talk more on what i need to do to improve my evaluation which i didn't do enough of, overall, i think my evaluation is proficient because i didn't give enough in my evaluation to make it excellent.

  3. Thank you for completing this Stephen.

    I think that this evaluation is proficient and you can be pleased with your efforts. It certainly shows that you are capable of reflecting on your work and you also use a wide range of images to support your comments and observations.

    I am pleased that you identify the production phase as being the weakest part of your evaluation (I agree) but also that you reflect on how this could have been done better. This shows you have the ability to identify weaknesses in your work.

    You do need to concentrate on the quality of your written communication and I shall be looking for evidence of more care taken with punctuation in particular in your next piece of formally assessed writing.
