
Construction: Success Re-Filming

After we re-filmed we did another rough edit and here is how it turned out:
We decided to put together a rough edit putting together our clips to give us a rough idea of how our movie opening will turn out.

The biggest problem with our initial filming was the dialogue throughout because you could not hear the actors without there being wind or background noise such as cars which do not help with the idea of the location being secluded.

We made sure to check our camera before we started this time to ensure that the camera lens did not have any dirt on it as last time we did not check until we had already done some of the shots.

This rough edit, I would say, is much better than the initial filming because it has absolutely no dialogue which means we can put some non-diegetic sound over the top to give the opening a better feel overall. We tried to also add more camera shots, angles and movements throughout the opening.

This time we really excelled in representing the stereotype of a teenager through the use of him playing on a game console at the start, the can of energy drink and overall a great representation of a  stereotypical teenager.

We found that instead of actually seeing the killer we went for a storyline where you don't see the killer at all other than their hand, this gives a feeling of uncertainty and really makes the audience wonder who the killer is and what he looks like.

Now that we are happy with our rough edit we will continue to cut it down to as good as possible with the clips, adding in sound and also titles over the top.

Planning: New Storyboard

Here is the first 10 storyboard for our new movie opening.

Planning: Shot list for our filming.


Research: conjuring opening titles

Here is the opening credits for conjuring and i am exploring the idea that was used in the opening credit


Construction: filming

These pictures show where we filmed and how we filmed it. This first image shows how we set up the shot of Lewis helping Stephen through the door to the next scene. We felt this was a good angle because it made it clear to the audience what was happening.
During this we were helping Tom find a place to stand which was relevant to our shot. We had to make it so you can only partially see him so he still keeps a sense of anonymity. This was important for us because we felt that the killer's identity shouldn't be given away in the first couple of minutes of the film.

This image is when we were trying to get a sort of birds-eye-view shot facing down on Lewis and Stephen. We chose this shot to make it look as if both characters were in danger.


Construction: Problems With Initial Filming

After filming our opening of a horror movie we put together a rough edit:

Once we finished filming for the first time and we looked at our rough edit we realised that there was a lot wrong with it and that we could improve it massively.

Our biggest problem is the sound; in this plan we relied on diegetic sound (Lewis and Stephen) throughout and this is a huge problem because of the background noise and the wind causing the sound to be very bad; it was hard to hear them at points in the film and didn't build the tension we were looking for.

Another problem that we came across was that some of the clips had dirt on the camera meaning the shot didn't look clear or good meaning that all of these clips need to be re-filmed.

We have decided to completely change our storyline quite a lot and during the next filming we are going to make sure that we include a lot more camera shots, camera angles and camera movements throughout and also make sure that we remove all of the diegetic sound because it is too difficult to do that without the background noise and wind making the quality very bad, we are also going to include music to create the tension that we are looking for.